
About Us

I am going to take the honor of writing the "About Us" section, not only because I harbor all of the estrogen in this relationship, but because I'm also the sentimental one here.

Andrew and I met on a night out with our friends (me and The Girls, he and His Tom) during a brief encounter near the jukebox at a local dive bar.  A week later, I was invited over for a homemade Shrimp Creole dinner cooked by Chef Andrew for me and his roommates.  I got a piece of rice lodged in my septum and he didn't vomit at the sight of it.  That's how I knew he was the one.

Dinner led to dating.  Dating led to an apartment.  An apartment led to buying a house.  Buying a house led to, you guessed it, getting married.

We bought a 4 bedroom house with grandiose ideas of what we can make out of it.  We want a backyard where we can have parties.  Andrew wants an office where he can weld pieces of things together that I'll never understand so I can't explain.  I want a gym, a craft room and a badass kitchen.

Obviously, we have none of those things yet.  But what we do have is LOVE.  We have time, patience, a sense of humor and some mad craft skills that will help us make our house a home.

